Costume jewelry is usually made from cheap metals and gemstones imitation. The way he is also known as jewelry, junk, fake jewelry, or fallalery. Costume jewelry is the first jewelry, ornaments made for the masses as an adjunct to some fashionable clothing or "costume". It seems to be flashy and sometimes on top with foil, although subdued costume jewelry that is designed to mimic the higher-end jewelry is also available.
As the class structure in the United States have changed, so do the measures of real wealth. Women of all social stations, including working-class woman could own a piece of jewelry. Half of the city and the country could buy a woman and take a considerable amount of mass produced jewelry that was both affordable and elegant.
But the golden era of real jewelry began in the mid-twentieth century. The new middle class wanted to own jewelry pretty, but affordable, and this desire was realized by his perfect timing: it came during the age of the machine and the industrial revolution. All this made possible the production of carefully crafted reproductions of pieces beautiful & Heritage admired.
Many feel that the machine has destroyed the beauty of the jewelry made by hand, the truth is that the machine has made more affordable fashion jewelry and put people to produce this fuel jewelry for the benefit of millions of women from around the world.
Costume jewelry has become popular by various designers in the second half of the twentieth century. A number of names recalled jewelry most of the costumes include both high marks and low price: Crown Trifari, Dior, Chanel, Monet, Napier, Corocraft and Coventry.
An important factor in the popularization of costume jewelry were Hollywood movies. The biggest stars of the 40s and 50s woman often Bar & then approved the documents produced by a number of designers. If you have admired a necklace worn by Bette Davis in The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, you can purchase a copy of Joseph of Hollywood making the original. Stars such as Vivien Leigh, Elizabeth Taylor and Jane Russell appeared in commercials for parts and availability of collections in stores such as Woolworths has enabled ordinary women to own and wear such jewelry.
In many cases, fashion jewelry upscale achieved a "collectible" status, and increases in value over time. Today there is an important secondary market for vintage fashion jewelry. The largest market in the collection is "signed pieces," works say that the brand manufacturer, usually printed on the back. Among the most coveted are Miriam Haskell, Coro, Trifari Crown & Sphinx. But there is also a need 'unsigned' good quality parts if they are an unusual design.
Coco Chanel greatly popularized the use of imitation jewelry in her years as a fashion designer, wearing the costume jewelry to life with beads and fake gold. Kenneth Jay Lane has been known since 1960 to create wonderful pieces for Jackie Onassis, Elizabeth Taylor, Diana Vreeland and Audrey Hepburn. They are probably best known for his three-strand pearl necklace worn by Barbara Bush forged her husband's inaugural ball.
Costume Jewellery came on the set point where it was used for accessories. Jewellery stage was designed to be larger than life, so it is visible to the public, and it was an inexpensive way to make the kit for a stage production more rich and vibrant. Actors have been associated with these additions colorful costumes and began wearing costume jewelry from the scene as well. For a person of low income, costume jewelry can be a way to dress without spending too much money.
Costume came to be 1930, low-cost, disposable accessory to wear with a special dress. He had to be fashionable for a short time, to move themselves, and then agreed to acquire a new dress or a style of fashion. Its main use is in fashion, as opposed to "real" (fine) jewelry which may be considered mainly collectors' items, remember, or investments. Costume is made of less valuable materials including metals, glass, plastic and synthetic stones in place of the most precious materials such as precious metals and gems.
Costume is a popular fashion and set designers, as well as people who want a little 'fun with their jewelry. Can be found in vintage shops and retail stores specializing in fashion accessories.
Costume is not always cheap. How 925 sterling silver jewelry and faux jewels Victorians can be expensive, even if they are made with high quality materials. Even if the fake jewels can be fun, can also be used to seriously, and has a long history on the track after the popular designers like Coco Chanel. Some designers specialize in costume jewelry that is worn by the rich and famous for many reasons: fashion, safety, or mood. A lot of people who own the famous and expensive jewelry is jewelry reproductions of more casual clothes, so they are in danger of losing an irreplaceable treasure.
Costume usually base metal such as tin. Metal treated to resemble more expensive metals like gold, silver or platinum. Traditionally used in jewelry fake rocks glass or paste. However, some jewelry with genuine gemstones, which are cheaper versions of their precious counterparts. Usually, the "stones" used in jewelry are big and showy for the cuts.
Costume jewelry is made in a variety of styles from Victorian-inspired pin imitation pearl necklaces. Rings, necklaces, brooches, bracelets, earrings and other jewelry accessories are all shaped and regular costumes. Costume jewelry can also be done at home by enterprising artisans, and can be a fun project for children.