New items
Topping the list is a bag with four new straps and zippers on both sides. This "substantial improvement" means you do not have to empty the bag to get something from the bottom, Sequana said Major Robinson, assistant garment bag of the product. The new pillow has the same amount of gear the bag today. It is easier to carry and velcro name tag removes spray paint.
What it costs
Cut the external flash, which costs 37 cents, will save the Army $ 1.24 million over five years. This money will be reinvested in the bag of clothes, said Lt. Col. Michael Sloane, product manager for clothing and individual soldier equipment.
Clothing bag changes
The new duffel improve cost the Army $ 22.20 to $ 29.61 each.Towel again to pay 30 cents more, but a new cloth to pay 29 cents less, so it is washed.
Articles rejected
Side pockets for physical training shorts have been culled. The soldiers wanted pockets to hold the ID cards or keys. But the government said it would fit in the current frame. Speaking of deep pockets, the change would cost $ 4.4 million in five years.
The board also vetoed a flap to cover the combat uniform of the army left sleeve pen pocket. An example is shown, and advice given to the idea, but said it would cost $ 5.2 million over five years could be better spent elsewhere.
Under consideration
Uniform Board is looking for more lightweight, breathable fabrics PT gear, and more soft, breathable towels. It 'also looking for a better way to close the ACU sleeve - and the buttons are concerned, Sloane said.Forte will also be given to trim short PT. Soldiers are allowed to wear black bike shorts under the short PT. The Council has tested 600 soldiers in four locations from August to January. We must now decide to give the lines of bikes, and if so, whether it should be a standalone product or an associated short PT.
The board
Army Regulation 70-1 identifies 17 vacancies on the board consistently. The board meets every six months. It is based on product demonstrations, open dialogue and informed decisions to quickly develop and deliver better products, said Sloane. All recommendations must be approved by the head of the army.