We live in a society that dictates what we should look and how to dress. Never thought I'd see the day when women pumped up her lips to appear larger and padded back to be versatile. I wonder, are women with big feet someday the madness in the same way that women with small feet is often referred to as having feet like lotus flowers.
In ancient China, where women literally broke his toes and bows and tied their feet to make them small enough to fit in the shoes of three-inch lotus. It was a symbol of prestige and beauty for many years. Let's launch, clips, color and cut the body parts that seem less than what society defines beauty. The hard part is I am guilty, but I also think that perhaps not all bad. Some of narcissism is good.
Balance is really the key. A hilarious example of our internal obsessions are revealed through King of the Hill Cartoon Comedy. The show contains many parodies of the feet matriarch Peggy Hill great. In various episodes, you will find the drive from the city to find a store that carries special shoes that fit. Peggy annoyed when she discovers that the store is designed for drag queens.
Peggy trials and tribulations of bringing humor to quirky human behavior. A large part of his character is that whatever happens, he proves to be always good.